LED Lighting
The replacement of conventional bulbs with LED bulbs can save electricity consumption by up to 85 %, while achieving better lighting conditions and longer life expectancy of the bulb.
ISPS is specialized in LED lighting projects. It is staffed by experienced engineers, specialized in lighting systems. It's main activity is the design, supply and installation of LED lighting projects. The primary objective of ISPS is satisfaction of it’s customers, by providing the best solution in each special case, focused on their maximum benefit.
You can see the products catalog here.
LED lighting benefits:
The lighting system of a building is responsible for a large part of its total electricity consumption, especially in cases of workplaces, where it is used daily for many hours. LED bulbs can replace conventional bulbs, in order to achieve significant reduction in energy consumption and other multiple benefits.
LED bulbs can convert almost all of the electric energy to luminous energy with minimal loss of thermal energy. The temperature of a quality LED bulb will not exceed 50oC, therefore avoiding the thermal strain of an area and eliminating the risk of fire from contact with combustible materials.
Energy consumption by led bulbs is minimal, resulting in achieving more than 85% saving in relation to incandescent bulbs, 50% saving in relation to economy bulbs and 45% -57% saving in relation to fluorescent lamps. Life time of led bulbs can reach up to 50.000 hours, which is very large compared to the 1.000 hours of incandescent bulbs, 8.000 hours of economy bulbs and 10.000 hours of fluorescent lamps. Also, they are more reliable, since they do not need ballast or starter and have greater tolerance to voltage dips. Their brightness remains almost the same over the years, while their turning on is done instantaneously, thus giving immediately the 100% of their brightness.
The LED bulbs are user and environment friendly. They use no mercury, lead or other toxic substances, as other kinds of lamps do, they emit no ultraviolet radiation and they have no adverse effect on sensitive materials, such as clothing or paper.
LED bulbs are compatible with almost every type of conventional lamp holders and they are available in three color tones: warm white (yellow), natural white and cool white (blue). Also, there are specific led bulbs that give any color tone by using a remote control. There is a choice between simple and dimmable led bulbs for achieving a variation in brightness. Little or no intervention is required for the electrical installation of the led bulbs, thus making them the ideal solution for every application. Their cost is similar to the cost of incandescent and economy bulbs and the amortization of the investment takes place within little time.
You can see the correlation between LED lights and conventional or economy lamps here.